The Faber Academy in London is hosting an intensive three day fiction workshop with M.J. Hyland and Irish novelist Trevor Byrne (10-12 September).
Maria’s sessions include:
Day One:A short manuscript from each participant will be edited, critiqued and workshopped by Hyland. Hyland will also take participants through the essentials of writing vivid and compelling fiction.
Day two: Part One: A masterclass in finding the most engaging story: how to keep the reader turning the pages. Part Two: An intensive guide to editing, re-writing and getting your fiction ready for publication.
The final day will include a joint session where work will be read and critiqued, and a question & answer session.
Places on the course are limited to 15.
For full details and registration form, visit the Faber & Faber site here
10-12 September 2010
Faber and Faber
Bloomsbury House
74-77 Great Russell Street
London WC1B 3DA
Tags: faber & Faber writing academy, on writing novels, trevor byrne, writing workshops