Three Monkeys Online has a lengthy interview with MJ Hyland, to discuss Carry Me Down in particular, and her work in general.
Some sample quotes:
“On the first reading it should be superficially simple, but engaging, with a strong narrative pull. I intend to give the reader a reason to turn the page, so a good story [...]
Archive for the ‘carry me down’ Category
Carry Me Down - MJ Hyland interviewed in Three Monkeys Online
Thursday, March 12th, 2009Carry Me Down Observer Review by Geraldine Bedell
Wednesday, March 4th, 2009Here’s an extract from the review of Carry Me Down published in the English Newspaper The Observer. Geraldine Bedell, a regular reviewer and contributor to The Guardian and The Observer is also the author of a novel, The Gulf Between Us
John Egan is huge, gangling and vulnerable, a 12-year-old child-man on the cusp of adolescence, [...]
Maria Hyland interviewed in Bella Online
Wednesday, March 4th, 2009Here’s an extract from an interview that Maria did with M.E.Wood, the literary fiction editor of Bella Online when Carry Me Down was published
Moe: What inspires you?
M.J. Hyland: Many things inspire me, especially great films. Most recently I was inspired by the film, Darling, directed by John Schlesinger, starring two of the finest actors of [...]