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Archive for the ‘events’ Category

3-day Fiction Workshop with M. J. Hyland and Trevor Byrne

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

The Faber Academy in London is hosting an intensive three day fiction workshop with M.J. Hyland and Irish novelist Trevor Byrne (10-12 September).
Maria’s sessions include:
Day One:A short manuscript from each participant will be edited, critiqued and workshopped by Hyland. Hyland will also take participants through the essentials of writing vivid and compelling fiction.
Day two: Part One: A masterclass in finding the [...]

M.J.Hyland on the London Underground

Friday, March 12th, 2010

MJ Hyland on the London Underground!
MJ Hyland’s novel, This is How, has been chosen by the First Capital Connect Book Club in conjunction with WHS Smith. Free samples of the first three chapters of This is How will be given to commuters on the london underground between the 1-5 April 2010.


Observations: First Capital Connect launches [...]

MJ Hyland appearing at Irregular

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

Maria will be appearing at Canongate’s Edinburgh literary club night ‘Irregular’, which takes place on the 17th of March in the Roxy Art House, 2 Roxburgh Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9SU.
Other guests are Denise Mina and Christopher Brookmyre
Host for the night is poet Jenny Lindsay, and there’s music from the 9-piece blues/roots Black Diamond Express.
17th March DOORS [...]

MJ Hyland to run a Faber & Faber Academy writing workshop

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

In 2010 MJ Hyland will be running a writing workshop for the *Faber & Faber
Academy *in Manchester. The workshop will be held on Saturday 13 March and
MJ Hyland’s session is Session No.9.
For details and how to enrol go to:
Faber & Faber Writing Academy

MJ Hyland at the Dublin Writers Festival (June 6th)

Monday, May 11th, 2009

MJ Hyland will be appearing, alongside novelist Steve Toltz, at this year’s Dublin Writers Festival on June 6th.
[To buy tickets for the event - click here]
The theme of the event will be ‘What does it take to trip a man up – to send him on a crash course with his own inevitable shortcomings?’. Maria [...]

MJ Hyland at the Hay Festival (Sunday 31st May)

Monday, May 11th, 2009

For details of the festival, and to book a seat for the event check here.
MJ Hyland will be appearing, alongside DBC Pierre and Paolo Giordano, for an event at this year’s Hay Festival on Sunday 31st of May.
Maria will be reading from her new novel ‘This is How‘, described by the festival organisers as ‘this [...]