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Archive for the ‘how the light gets in’ Category

A female Holden, just as cynical and sensitive, but with less self-conscious verbiage

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

After the death of J.D. Salinger, the Guardian book blog takes a look at the challenges facing authors creating a young narrator. Maria’s debut novel, How the Light Gets In gets a mention, with narrator Lou being described as
“a contemporary, female Holden, just as cynical and sensitive, but with less self-conscious verbiage”
You can read the [...]

How the Light Gets In Interview with Sinead Gleeson

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

Here’s part of an old interview Maria did with Irish journalist Sinead Gleeson, around the time that How the light gets in was published in the UK and Ireland
Why did you pick a teenage girl as the protagonist in this novel?
I didn’t set out to write about a teenage girl, it was mostly an [...]