The Orange Prize longlist for 2010 has just been announced and the great news is that This is How is one of the twenty novels chosen.
It’s particularly good news given the quality of the longlist which includes the likes of Hilary Mantel (Wolf Hall), Andrea Levy (The Long Song), Lorrie Moore (A Gate at the [...]
Archive for the ‘this is how’ Category
MJ Hyland’s This is How makes the Orange Prize for fiction longlist
Wednesday, March 17th, 2010M.J.Hyland on the London Underground
Friday, March 12th, 2010MJ Hyland on the London Underground!
MJ Hyland’s novel, This is How, has been chosen by the First Capital Connect Book Club in conjunction with WHS Smith. Free samples of the first three chapters of This is How will be given to commuters on the london underground between the 1-5 April 2010.
Observations: First Capital Connect launches [...]
MJ Hyland appearing at Irregular
Thursday, March 11th, 2010Maria will be appearing at Canongate’s Edinburgh literary club night ‘Irregular’, which takes place on the 17th of March in the Roxy Art House, 2 Roxburgh Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9SU.
Other guests are Denise Mina and Christopher Brookmyre
Host for the night is poet Jenny Lindsay, and there’s music from the 9-piece blues/roots Black Diamond Express.
17th March DOORS [...]
Interview with Vulpes Libris
Tuesday, January 26th, 2010Vulpes Libris has published an interview with Maria.
You can read the full interview (by Lisa Glass) here.
Here’s a little taster:
LG: Yes. Your characters are young and appear to be exploring what’s what in the world. They also seem uncomfortable in their own bodies. I’m thinking of Patrick’s physical awkwardness, Lou’s emerging sexual power and tendency [...]
Writing about killers - MJ Hyland and Jeff Lindsay talk about their work
Monday, December 14th, 2009Maria joined author Jeff Lindsay, the creator of the very popular Dexter series of crime novels (now a succesful American TV series, starring Michael Hall), at the Brisbane Writers’ Festival to discuss writing about killers.
The discussion - killing people, on paper - chaired by Richard Fidler, was aired on Australian radio and is now online [...]
The Boston globe includes This is How in its ’simply the best’ fiction list of 2009
Sunday, December 6th, 2009This is How pops up on another ‘best of 2009′ list. Anna Mundow, writing in the Boston Globe describes the novel as ‘fearlessly disturbing’:
Hyland’s pared-down descriptions of Patrick’s life - as it once was and as he now endures it - convey excruciating tension and pain. Yet the claustrophobic world that she creates has at [...]
The Times names This is How as one of the best books of 2009
Thursday, December 3rd, 2009The Times names This is How as one of the best books of 2009 in its
Christmas Books Fiction Review.
MJ Hyland appears alongside William Trevor and Margaret Atwood, in the Times list, which describes This is How as ‘ a pin-sharp examination of a young man’s troubled soul’
The full list is here
This is How makes it into the Irish Times books of 2009 list
Tuesday, December 1st, 2009This is How makes yet another appearance in a major newspaper’s ‘books of the year’ list. This time it’s the Irish Times, where poet Vona Groarke writes:
“Patrick Oxtoby is a damaged, brittle, ordinary man: his actions and their consequences are presented in deceptively transparent prose that balances honesty with integrity, and brutality with a tiny, [...]
Financial Times chooses This Is How amongst its books of the year
Tuesday, December 1st, 2009More good news - Another major newspaper has picked This is How in its end of year roundup. The Financial Times has chosen This is How as one of its best novels of 2009.
Financial Times fiction reviewer Angel Gurría-Quintana writes:
“Hyland’s exquisitely crafted prose makes readers care for this emotionally stunted protagonist.”
You can see the full [...]
This is How is listed as a book of the year by the New Statesman
Sunday, November 29th, 2009John O’Connell chooses This is How as one of his best books of 2009 in the New Statesman, describing it as a “masterly disquisition on the problem of motive”.
The full list can be read here