M.J Hyland will be giving an advanced fiction masterclass, as part of the Guardian Fiction Masterclasses series, this November (2012). The class is for experienced writers who are ready (or almost ready) to send a work of fiction to agents and/or publishers. This masterclass is also designed for writers who want to learn the art of editing, and for writers who’d like to prepare work for submission to a major fiction prize.
Dates: Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 October 2012
Times: 10am-5pm
Location: The Guardian, 90 York Way, King’s Cross, London, N1 9GU
Price: £400 (inclusive of VAT and booking fee)
Maximum class size: 14
To book
Please email your submission to masterclasses@guardian.co.uk with “Advanced Fiction submission” in the subject field. All submissions will be considered. Deadline is Friday 31 August 2012.