M.J Hyland News and Events
Here you can find the latest news from M.J Hyland, including links to newly published stories, essays and articles, as well as details of upcoming fiction classes and events.
Here you can find the latest news from M.J Hyland, including links to newly published stories, essays and articles, as well as details of upcoming fiction classes and events.
M J Hyland’s exclusive interview with Francois Tetaz, the producer of Gotye’s Grammy Award winning song, Somebody I used to Know, is now available to read in Rock Country, edited by Christian Ryan. See: https://www.hardiegrant.co.uk/books/rock-country Share and Enjoy:
M J Hyland’s short story, Even Pretty Eyes Commit Crimes. which was shortlisted for the BBC International Short Story Prize (2012) and first published online by Granta, now appears as Story of the Week in Narrative Magazine, USA. See: https://www.narrativemagazine.com/issues/stories-week-2012%E2%80%932013/even-pretty-eyes-commit-crimes Share and Enjoy:
The very first First Guardian Fiction Masterclass in Manchester, with M.J Hyland, in Salford - the new home of the BBC. Saturday & Sunday, 2/3 March. Apply soon. Fiction samples due by 18 Feb see: https://www.guardian.co.uk/guardian-masterclasses/creative-writing-class-mj-hyland-manchester Share and Enjoy:
In January 2013, M.J Hyland appeared on The Marian Finucane show, RTE (radio, Ireland), to discuss the subject, How to Write: https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=BJ8i7XHTYjQ&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DBJ8i7XHTYjQ&gl=GB During the show, Hyland urged writers to change fonts when they proof-read fiction and her comments have generated a fascinating discussion about fonts and the vital ways in which fonts influence how we [...]
Even Pretty Eyes, by M J Hyland, has been shortlisted for the BBC International Short Story Prize (2012). That’s two years in a row. See BBC Front Row for podcasts and interviews: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01m7rqn See also the BookTrust Site https://www.booktrust.org.uk/prizes-and-awards/1 And see Granta Magazine, where the story is published online: https://www.granta.com/New-Writing/Even-Pretty-Eyes-Commit-Crimes M J Hyland - ‘Even Pretty [...]
The Medicine Launch 5 September, 6.30 p.m., Foyles, 113-119 Charing Cross Road London WC2H 0EB. Free. RSVP to events@granta.com to reserve your seat. From the chalky horse-pills of faceless pharmaceutical conglomerates to the hot toddy that was Grandmother’s remedy for bruised knees, broken hearts and everything besides – Granta 120: Medicine explores the stories of [...]
M.J Hyland is reading at the Charleston Small Wonder Festival with AL Kennedy & others. Details of the festival are here: https://www.charleston.org.uk/festivals/small-wonder/events/the-art-of-medicine/ Share and Enjoy:
M.J Hyland will be giving an advanced fiction masterclass, as part of the Guardian Fiction Masterclasses series, this November (2012). The class is for experienced writers who are ready (or almost ready) to send a work of fiction to agents and/or publishers. This masterclass is also designed for writers who want to learn the art of [...]
M.J Hyland was asked to write 1,000 words about Editing (Revising & Re-Writing) for the Guardian’s How to Write Fiction Supplement (October, 2011). You can read her piece here: https://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/oct/23/how-to-write-fiction-mj-hyland?newsfeed=true And you can buy the Kindle edition of the Supplement, which contains pieces on the craft of fiction by D.B.C Pierre et al, here: https://www.amazon.com/How-write-fiction-masterclass-ebook/dp/B005VDGNTS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1319394617&sr=8-1 [...]
In September 2011, M.J Hyland and the novelist, Trevor Byrne launched an Editing Firm. Hyland and Byrne provide detailed editing and appraisals for short stories, novels, nonfiction and short and long-term mentorships. Email hylandbyrne@yahoo.com or go to the website www.editingfirm.com Share and Enjoy: