M.J Hyland News and Events
Here you can find the latest news from M.J Hyland, including links to newly published stories, essays and articles, as well as details of upcoming fiction classes and events.
Here you can find the latest news from M.J Hyland, including links to newly published stories, essays and articles, as well as details of upcoming fiction classes and events.
Listen here to MJ Hyland’s interview on BBC Radio 4′s Front Row on the eve of the announcement of the BBC National Short Story Award 2011/ Just click on this link: (Hyland’s interview begins 7 mins and 56 seconds in, after the Gould review) but press on the link and you should hear the interview straight [...]
See the Official BBC News Site for news of the five shortlisted stories and a link to the free podcast. Click on the link below and read the news about the shortlist and listen to M.J Hyland’s wonderful and candid interview on FRONT ROW, Radio 4, and listen to her wonderful short story, Rag Love. [...]
In the Daily Telegraph, July 2011, another wonderful review of the Walker Edition of M.J Hyland’s first novel, How the Light Gets In. This edition is a special imprint for the teenage fiction market. Although not written for a teenage readership, like J.D Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, How the Light Gets In has, [...]
On July 24th, MJ Hyland’s first novel, How the Light Gets In, published in a new edition by Walker Books, was reviewed in The Guardian. Read the review here: https://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/jul/21/teen-fiction-roundup-geraldine-brennan?INTCMP=SRCH Share and Enjoy:
M.J. Hyland writes about Mary Bale, the woman who was caught by CCTV putting a cat in a bin, August 2010. Read the piece, which includes an exclusive interview, in The Financial Times, 26 March, 2011. The piece is available online at the FT website here. Share and Enjoy:
MJ Hyland & Trevor Byrne will be leading a 3-day intensive fiction workshop from 15-17 April in London at the Faber Academy. Enrol here: https://www.faber.co.uk/article/2010/11/intensive-3-day-fiction-workshop-from-inspiration-/ Share and Enjoy:
This is How has been longlisted for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2010. MJ Hyland’s third novel was nominated for the global literary award by the State Library of South Australia, Adelaide. The nomination for the award described This is How as “a fabulously bleak and cheerless story of a young misfit loner. A [...]
Martin Amis, M.J Hyland & Tessa Hadley discuss the short story in a Literature Live event at the University of Manchester, run by the Centre for New Writing, and chaired by Ian McGuire. You can listen to a podcast of the event here Share and Enjoy:
After Raoul Moat went on a murderous rampage in Northumbria, which ended in his suicide, a number of ‘fan pages’ have sprung up on Facebook. In a guest commentary for the Scottish Herald, Maria wrote a lengthy piece on both Moat and the fan pages. The entire piece can be read here Here’s a short [...]
The Faber Academy in London is hosting an intensive three day fiction workshop with M.J. Hyland and Irish novelist Trevor Byrne (10-12 September). Maria’s sessions include: Day One:A short manuscript from each participant will be edited, critiqued and workshopped by Hyland. Hyland will also take participants through the essentials of writing vivid and compelling fiction. Day two: Part One: A masterclass [...]