Vulpes Libris has published an interview with Maria.
You can read the full interview (by Lisa Glass) here.
Here’s a little taster:
LG: Yes. Your characters are young and appear to be exploring what’s what in the world. They also seem uncomfortable in their own bodies. I’m thinking of Patrick’s physical awkwardness, Lou’s emerging sexual power and tendency [...]
Posts Tagged ‘this is how interviews’
Interview with Vulpes Libris
Tuesday, January 26th, 2010Video interview with Maria in Melbourne’s The Monthly
Tuesday, October 27th, 2009Maria returned to Australia for this year’s Melbourne Writers’ Festival, and Australian magazine The Monthly has posted online the video of this extensive interview with Michael Williams, where Maria discusses her approach to writing This is How, but also to writing generally.
You can see the video online here
Video of Maria reading from This is How
Tuesday, September 1st, 2009There’s a nice video piece in The Guardian where Maria reads from This is How, and is interviewed.
The video can be seen here
Interview in the Boston Globe
Monday, August 10th, 2009Maria is interviewed in The Boston Globe, which describes This is How as ‘extraordinary’.
The full interview is online here.
Here’s a quick extract:
Q: How did Patrick Oxtby arrive in your head?
A: I read Tony Parker’s book “Life After Life: Interviews with Twelve Murderers’’ and I was struck by the case of a young man who lived [...]
Maria interviewed on BBC’s Front Row
Saturday, July 11th, 2009There’s a good interview with Maria on BBC Radio Four’s popular arts program Front Row.
You can listen to the program online here
ABC radio interview with M.J. Hyland
Saturday, July 11th, 2009Maria appeared recently on Australian radio channel ABC’s Book Show. The full interview is available here to listen to live, or to download
Interview in Australian Newspaper The Age
Saturday, July 11th, 2009Maria gives a lengthy interview to the Australian newspaper The Age, in advance of her scheduled appearance at the Melbourne Writers Festival in August.
Here’s an extract from the interview, which can be read in full online:
Yet “lying” is part of the writer’s craft, surely fundamental to making fiction?
“Yes, it’s the art of persuasive lying. The [...]
Interview with Maria in Metro Magazine
Saturday, July 11th, 2009Maria is interviewed in the U.K Magazine Metro. Here’s an excerpt:
‘My favourite form is tragedy,’ offers Hyland; she teaches creative writing at Manchester University and eschews more fashionable texts to go for the jugular with Aristotle’s Poetics.
‘And if it’s not grotesque, intense, perhaps on some level violent, offering menace or threat then it’s a bad [...]